The Ranunculus Romance™ is from the Japanese breeder Aya Engei. With very large flowers, long and strong stems and a good vase life, this ranunculus is a show-stopper!

Ranunculus Romance™ ‘Salerno’ has wonderful salmon blooms, fading to a peachy-yellow as they age.

Grow ranunculus in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil, in a spot with full sun (at least 6–8 hours daily). Ranunculus thrive in cool weather but dislike frost. If frost is expected, cover them with frost cloth or bring pots indoors.

Remove spent blooms to encourage continuous flowering. Watch for pests like aphids and slugs.

Romance™ Ranunculus is intended to be grown as a cut flower for one season only and must be destroyed at the end of the season. Any type of propagation is strictly prohibited.

For a more information  on growing ranunculus, see our Complete Guide to Growing Ranunculus

5 corms

Main Photo Courtesy of Sublime Gardens

Gallery Photo Courtesy of Leo Burbee Bulb Company